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Paalak Paneer (Spinach with Cheese) - پالک پنیر

It is an interesting main course meal dish which not only gives enhanced taste but also very useful for our health. Its main ingredients are Spinach     (پالک) and Cottage Cheese (پنیر) which are enriched with natural ingredients and its combination gives double promotion to our health. Let us discuss in brief about some of the benefits of both: Spinach: It is a rich Source of Vitamins (A, C & K), minerals (Magnese, Magnesium & Iron) and many more. Combination of this natural source of energy is very useful for reducing blood pressure and oxidative stress besides it is also very much useful for the health of our eyes etc. Cottage Cheese: Protein, Calcium, Vitamin B Complex, Folate (an element to make red blood cells) are the basic natural source came out from Cottage Cheese. Consequently these nutrients help in maintaining of blood sugar level, strengthening the bones and teeth, improves digestion and heart health. Moreover inclusion of Selenium, Vitamin E and some

How to Make White Sauce

  White sauce is mainly used in Italian Dishes like Lasagne etc. however it is also in use at large in France, England and many other countries of the world. As it is a multipurpose sauce therefore MHK is presenting a simple method of its making for its viewers separately and it shall be referred in our different videos. Its making is very much simple with minimum ingredients. Ingredients for Making of White Sauce: Milk (دودھ) : 500 ml or 2 cups Cooking Oil (تیل) : 1 Table Spoon Cake Flour (میدہ) : 2 Table Spoon Black Pepper (کالی مرچ) : 1/2 Tea Spoon Salt ( نمک ): 1 Tea Spoon Procedure for Making of White Sauce: Step-1: In pan oil and cake flour is just mixed at low flame. Step-2: Gently add milk in it and stir continuously so that lumps could not appear in the mixture Step-3: Add black pepper and salt one by one also after some time. Step-4: When the required density of the mixture is attained off the flame and white sauce is ready to use in any d

Mango Juice - Refreshing Drink

Mango is known as king of fruits as it is very much popular around the world and almost people of each age group love to eat it or to enjoy it with different combination, styles and tastes. Mangoes facilitate the digestion system and enhance healthy gut. They also maximize immunity level, minimize cholesterol, clears skin, better eye sight and aids in weight loss as well. Mango Juice is a very simple and quick but refreshing and energetic summer drink made with all natural ingredients.   Its preparation is very simple and here we are going to display it in such a manner that everyone could made it easily. It is made from very limited ingredients and of course, as depicted from the name MANGO is the key ingredient. Now let see what the required ingredients are and how to make this simple, easy, quick and delicious/tasty recipe in our kitchen at home. Ingredients for Mango Juice: 1. Mango: 1 Medium Size (Cut in cubes) 2. Chilled Water: 1 & 1/2 Glass 3. Lemon Juice: 3~4 Ta

Bread Qulfa Ice Cream

Making of Bread Qulfa Ice Cream is very much simple and quick but taste is unique and delicious too. Let us see its ingredients and procedure that how it is made:-      Ingredients for Making of Bread Qulfa Ice Cream: 1. Milk (دودھ): 1.5 liter  2. Fresh Cream Milk (تازہ دودھ کی بالائی) : 1 Cup/250 Ml 3. Sugar (چینی): 1 Cup (or as per taste) 4. Bread Slices (ڈبل روٹی کے ٹکڑے): 3~4 X 5. Pistachio (پستہ) : 8~10 (cut in fine slices shape) 6. Almond: (بادام) 8~10 (cut in fine slices shape) 7. Cardamom (سبز الائچی)Powder: 8~10 (cut in fine slices shape) Procedure for Making of Bread Qulfa Ice Cream: Step-1: Milk is put on medium flame and pour crums of bread, sugar and Cardamom powder one by one. Stir slowly and continuously so that the mixture is mixed thoroughly and become thick. Step-2: When mixture become thick also add some amount of pistachio and almond and stir again Step-3: When mixture gets boiled let it cool. Pour it in blender with fresh milk cream and blend it thoroughly. Step-4