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Showing posts with the label Pomegranate Guava juice

Pomegranate Guava juice

  Benefits of Pomegranate and Guava has been described in the description of videos of respective juices. You may watch from there. For Pomegranate may click on   And for Guava may click on Anyhow for detail video please visit our YouTube Cannel:-   Here let see what the required ingredients are and how to make this simple, easy, quick and delicious/tasty recipe in our kitchen at home. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-** Ingredients: *-*-*-*-*-*-*-** 1. Pomegranate ( انار ) Fruit: 2X (Medium Size & Deseeded them) 2. Guava ( امرود ): 3X (Medium size, cut in cubes and deseeded them) 2. Water ( پانی ): 1/2 Cup 3. Sugar (چینی) : 3 Table Spoon (As per taste) 4. Pink Salt (پنک نمک) : 1/2 Tea Spoon 5. Black Pepper Powder (کالی مرچ) : 1/2 Tea Spoon 6. Cinnamon Powder (دار چینی) : 1 Pinch *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Procedure: *-***-*-*-***-*-*-*-*-* 1. Put the ingredients in juicer j