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Showing posts with the label Raisha Dar Beef Kabab

Raisha Dar Beef Kabab

Kababs are the snack type recipe and served along with main course dish and very much popular in the subcontinent especially in Pakistan, India & Bangladesh. People love to eat it with rice and tea etc. Here we are going to show its making with some useful tips to maximize its taste and making the process easier. It is a very simple (سادہ ) and very much easy (آسان ) to make or cook recipe and even can be cooked by anybody after watching this video. Another quality is that its natural ingredients including major items (i.e Beef (بڑا گوشت ) & Split Chickpeas (چنے کی دال ) are a natural source of enriched nutrients that are very useful for human health. Let us see in brief some of them:- Beef:   Beef is a rich source of Proteins, Vitamins, potent Amino Acid, Minerals, and L-Carnitine (turns fat into energy) and many more. Consequently it improves muscles, prevent from iron deficiency, turns fats into energy, reduce the risk of anemia etc. Split Chickpeas: Vitamin, fibers,