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Showing posts with the label KARELA DO PAYAAZA (کریلا دو پیازہ)

Karela Do Payaaza (Bitter Gourd With Onion)

Karela  Do Payaaza (Bitter Gourd with Onion):  is a main course dish and very much popular in the subcontinent especially in Pakistan, India & Bangladesh. People love to eat it with mince (قیمہ ) also but here we are going to display its combination with Onion in a little bit large quantity. There are also many people who don't like it because of bitterness but in this video we are also providing some tips to overcome this issue whereas there are some more tips related with the problems of this dish. It is a very simple (سادہ ) and very much easy (آسان ) to cook recipe and even can be cooked by anybody after watching this video. Another quality is that both major basic items (i.e Bitter Gourd (کریلا ) & Onion (پیاز )) are a natural source of enriched nutrients that are very useful for human health. However it is worth mentioning that use of balanced diet is helpful otherwise its advantages may turn into disadvantages. Let us have a look on the recipe first: Ingredien