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Showing posts with the label Paalak Paneer (Spinach with Cheese) - پالک پنیر

Paalak Paneer (Spinach with Cheese) - پالک پنیر

It is an interesting main course meal dish which not only gives enhanced taste but also very useful for our health. Its main ingredients are Spinach     (پالک) and Cottage Cheese (پنیر) which are enriched with natural ingredients and its combination gives double promotion to our health. Let us discuss in brief about some of the benefits of both: Spinach: It is a rich Source of Vitamins (A, C & K), minerals (Magnese, Magnesium & Iron) and many more. Combination of this natural source of energy is very useful for reducing blood pressure and oxidative stress besides it is also very much useful for the health of our eyes etc. Cottage Cheese: Protein, Calcium, Vitamin B Complex, Folate (an element to make red blood cells) are the basic natural source came out from Cottage Cheese. Consequently these nutrients help in maintaining of blood sugar level, strengthening the bones and teeth, improves digestion and heart health. Moreover inclusion of Selenium, Vitamin E and some