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Different Types of PEACH Juices

P ea ch is a very popular and delicious fruit of summer season and gives very refreshing and bouncing feelings. For the s ake of knowledge it is a national fruit of Afghanistan. It is a rich source of different nutrients and antioxidants from skin to pulp. Nature has filled it with many minerals, different types of Vitamins especially Vitamin E, fiber and many more. These nutrients are very much helpful in:- a. Improved digestion b. I mproved Cardiac (Heart) health  c. Skin care & protection d. Improved immunity system e. Prevention from many types of cancers f.   Reduction in Allergy symptoms. g. Very useful for sugar/diabetic patients           Peach can be utilized in many different ways. Normally people love to eat it's pulp including skin but more popular is in liquid form with different combinations. Mother's Healthy Kitchen (MHK) is going to  tell about three different combinations:- 1. Peach Juice 2. Peach Milk Shake 3. Peach Slush          Now let us see