How to Make White Sauce


White sauce is mainly used in Italian Dishes like Lasagne etc. however it is also in use at large in France, England and many other countries of the world. As it is a multipurpose sauce therefore MHK is presenting a simple method of its making for its viewers separately and it shall be referred in our different videos.

Its making is very much simple with minimum ingredients.

Ingredients for Making of White Sauce:

Milk (دودھ): 500 ml or 2 cups

Cooking Oil (تیل): 1 Table Spoon

Cake Flour (میدہ): 2 Table Spoon

Black Pepper (کالی مرچ): 1/2 Tea Spoon

Salt (نمک): 1 Tea Spoon

Procedure for Making of White Sauce:

Step-1: In pan oil and cake flour is just mixed at low flame.

Step-2: Gently add milk in it and stir continuously so that lumps could not appear in the mixture

Step-3: Add black pepper and salt one by one also after some time.

Step-4: When the required density of the mixture is attained off the flame and white sauce is ready to use in any dish or with food item


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