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Lasagne Crackers

Lasagen Crackers: It is quite normal that while preparing lasagne dish many of the strips are left due to broken or some other reason. It is not only a quick, easy and tasty recipe rather it is a best use of leftover said lasagne strips.   There is nothing to write in length about it just cut the said strips in small pieces and fry a little deep as compare to normal crackers and use it with tea etc as snacks. It is also useful to entertain guests, children and can be used for lunch box.   We hope that you will use leftovers in efficient and effective way after watching this video.      

Bhindi Ke Bhujya

It is an interesting main course meal dish which not only gives enhanced taste but also very useful for our health. Its main ingredient is Lady Finger (   (بھنڈی which is enriched with Vitamins A, C, & K1, fiber, folate, magnesium and many more. Due to these natural nutrients it is believed that it is very useful for heart, skin and eye health. It is also useful in controlling the sugar level in blood, preventing in cancers, and also for pregnant women. Let us have a look of its making/preparation or cooking in MHK’s own style. We are going to cook it in simple, easy and quick way to add and interesting main course meal dish: Ingredients for Making of Bhindi Ke Bhujya: Lady Finger (بھنڈی) : 1 Kg (Washed thoroughly and cut in small pieces) Onion (پیاز): 3 (Medium size roughly chopped) Tomato ( ٹماٹر ): 3 (Medium size roughly chopped) Green Chili ( ہری مرچ ): 3~4 (roughly chopped) Garlic ( لہسن ): 2 Table Spoon (fine cut) Cooking Oil (تیل) : 1/2 Cup Fresh M


Lasagne is an interesting main course meal dish originally belong to Italy but now a days it is used/served across the globe. It is mainly made with pasta flat strips and cheese etc. Its natural nutrients are fiber, protein, iron, and calcium consequently these nutrients are helpful in preventing from diseases cause by their deficiencies. Let us have a look on this recipe in MHK’s style. We are going to cook it in simple, easy and quick way to add and interesting main course meal dish: It is prepared in four major steps: Step-1: Lasagne strips preparation Step-2: Chicken filling making for it Step-3: Making of white sauce to be used in it Step-4: Assembling & Baking Ingredients & Procedure for Step-1 Lasagne strips preparation: Ingredients: Pasta Strips (پاستہ پٹی) : 1 Packet Salt (نمک) : 1 Tea Spoon Oil ( خوردنی تیل ): 2 Table Spoon Procedure for Preparation of Lasagne Strips: Step-1: Put pan on stove on medium to high flame and pour water to bo