Eggs (انڈوں) & Potatoes (اؒلو) recipe is a combine source of mainly iron and proteins nutrients hence become an energetic recipe. Let us have a look of its making/preparation or cooking in MHK’s own style. We are going to make it in simple, easy and quick way to add an interesting main course meal dish:
Potato (آلو): 5x (Medium Size, Light Boiled)
Eggs (انڈے): 6X (Hard Boiled & Peeled)
Oil (تیل): 1/2 Cup
Onion (پیاز): 2X (Medium size, roughly chopped)
Garlic Clove (لہسن کے جوے): 6X (Fine Cut)
Ginger (ادرک): 2X (Small Pieces)
Green Chili (سبز مرچ): 5~6X
Red Chili (سرخ مرچ) Powder: 1 Tea Spoon
Salt (نمک): 1 Tea Spoon (Both as per taste)
Black Seeds (کلونجی): 3/4 Tea Spoon
Turmeric (ہلدی) Powder: 1/2 Tea Spoon
1. Add onion & garlic in hot oil, fry till colour is changed to light golden.
2. As soon as the colour is changed and smell of garlic is felt take it out.
3. At very low flame add spices (Coriander, Turmeric, salt & Black Seeds) in the same oil and fry a little.
4. Add little amount of water and fry till the smell of spices is felt.
5. Pour paste in the gravy, cook further on medium flame.
6. When gravy become grainy add potatoes (half cut) & fry further.
7. Add water according to required amount of gravy and mix well.
8. Cover with lid, initially steam cook for 5 minutes on high flame.
9. Later, on medium flame till the potatoes are reasonably tendered.
10. Add half cut eggs carefully, stir gently and shake the pot a little as well.
11. Sprinkle remaining spices, cover with lid and steam cook for 2 minutes.
For detailed recipe please click on the link given below:
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