Hot Milk Chocolate


Hot Chocolate Milk (چاکلیٹ ملا دودھ) is a mouthwatering & energetic recipe and here we are going to display it in such a manner that everyone could made it easily. Now let’s see what the required ingredients are and how to make this simple, easy, quick and delicious/tasty recipe in our kitchen at home.




1. Chocolate Syrup/Sauce (چاکلیٹ سیرپ): 5 Table Spoons

2. Milk (دودھ): 500 Ml/2 Cups




1. Pour milk in cooking pot and let it boil on medium to high flame.


2. When milk boils, add some hot milk in chocolate syrup and mix well.


3. Now add mixed chocolate syrup in hot milk and shake well.


4. After second boil off the flame and pour in cups.


5. Garnish it with grated chocolate and serve accordingly.


6. After second boil turn the flame off, cover with lid for a while & then pour in cups.




Tip-1: For mild or strong milk quantity of syrup may decrease or increase.

Tip-2: No need to add sugar as the syrup is already very much sweat.

Tip-3: Stir continuously while mixing & boiling.

For detailed recipe please click on the link given below:



