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Dahi (دہی) /Curd/Yougart

Dahi (دہی) /Curd/Yougart

There are two types of making of Curd/yogurt:-

Curd: Making from edible substances like lemon juice, vinegar or even by itself.

Yogurt: Making through bacterial fermentation of milk.

 Benefits of Curd/yogurt:

It is a rich source of calcium and proteins (yogurt has the amount of proteins as twice of curd) therefore it has number of verities of benefits. It is very useful in acidity, indigestion and constipation. It also helps in losing weight (especially when used with boiled rice) and making bones strong. It is very beneficial for preventing cancer, strong immune systems and many more.

 Ideal time to eat it is day time as it may be harmful for the patients of cold and cough due to the development of mucus at night.


Making of Dahi/Curd/Yogurt:-

 Basic Ingredients:-

Milk: 1 Liter (boiled and at slightly hot temperature)

Curd: 2~3 Table Spoon

Clay Pot: Appropriate Size

Whisk: 01

Suitable lid: 1 for clay pot


Method for making of Dahi/Curd/Yougart:

Step-1: Pore curd in clay pot and stirred it slightly

Step-2: Add slightly hot milk slowly in that stirred curd in clay pot

Step-3: When done cover it with lid and place it for 8~10 hours at the place of moderate temperature

Step-4: before using keep it at cold place for half an hour

 Tips for Best Curd/Yogurt:

a. Use clay pot for thick in result

b. Milk should not be very hot rather slightly hot

c. When it is kept for preparation/transformation place it at still position and make sure not to move or change the position of the pot during the said period.

d. Place it at cold place (refrigerator) for at least half an hour or an hour before using

 For video please click on the link given below:


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