Khash khaash cleaning

Khash Khaash (خشخاش) Cleaning Process is a little bit complicated but it is a mandatory requirement prior to use in any form but nothing to worry. Here # MHK, following its tradition, is providing you the said process in a very simple and quick way. Let us have a look on it in MHK’s own style:




1. Poppy Seeds (خشخاش)




1. Put poppy seeds in a bowl and pour water in it & mashed with hands.

2. Lighter impurities, floating on the surface and quite visible are disposed.

3. Again pour water in the bowl, transfer it to another by shaking it slowly.

4. Repeat this process until impurities are cleared to maximum.

5. Dispose of the water again and repeat the process again & again.

6. When purified absolutely strain some quantity to dry (for future use).

7. After that keep wet poppy seeds in the sunlight till they are dried completely.

8. When dried keep in air tight container for further use accordingly.

For detailed recipe please click on the link given below:




