Making of Ketchi Slice


#KetchiSlice is an interesting recipe which can be enjoyed in Breakfast or carried in Lunch Box Or Tiffin Snacks or can be used in many other ways. It is a very much easy and quick recipe and can be made with on no time without putting lots of effort.

Let us have a look of its making/preparation or cooking in MHK’s own style. We are going to cook it in simple, easy and style to add an interesting breakfast/snack dish:


Bread Slices: 7~8X 

Eggs: 5X 

Ketchup: 3 Table Spoon (or as per taste) 

Black Pepper: 1 Tea Spoon 

Salt: 1/2 Tea Spoon (or as per taste) 



Step-1: Pour the eggs in a bowl one by one, than add black pepper, salt and ketch up and mix well with hand whisk. 

Step-2: Place the griddle on low to medium flame and grease it with oil.

Step-3: Now dip the bread slice well one by one in batter and place on the griddle and fry each from both side.



Tip-1: Fry the slices on low to medium flame for better results.


For further detail may visit our YouTube Channel by clicking the link below:-

