Fresh Apple Juice | سیب کا جوس | How to Make Fresh Apple Juice


Apple is among popular fruits of subcontinent and liked at large in its different shapes and styles. Although it is eaten as a fruit itself but its juice is also very popular and people love to drink it.

Apple encompass plentiful amounts of elastin and collagen that help keep the skin healthy and young. Apple is a rich source of vitamins (especially C), Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Calcium, Potassium, Chlorine and fiber which are very helpful for human health in numerous ways as some of them are as under:-

*- Very useful for heart’s health

*- Reduce the risk of Blood Sugar

*- Helpful in lowering the cholesterol level

*- Improve immune system

*- Very useful for Asthmatic patients

*- Very good tool for weight loss

*- Anticancer, antiaging

*- Helpful for stronger teeth and gums

*- useful for women’s fertility

*- In short very helpful for overall human health

Its juice is a very simple recipe and here we are going to display it in such a manner that everyone could made it easily. It is made from very limited ingredients and of course, as depicted from the name apple is the key ingredient. Now let’s see what the required ingredients are and how to make this simple, easy, quick and delicious/tasty recipe in our kitchen at home.


1. Apple (سیب) : 1/2 KG (Cut in slices)

2. Lemon Juice (لیموں کا رس) : 2 Table Spoon

3. Sugar (چینی) : 4 Table Spoon (or as per taste)

4. Black Pepper (کالی مرچ) : 8~10X

5. Pink Salt (پنک یا کالا نمک) : 1/2 Tea Spoon (Normal Salt or Black Salt can also be used)

6. Water: 1 Glass


Step-1: Pour all ingredients at once in the juicer jug

Step-2: Now blend all these ingredients until the juice seems ready

Step-3: Strain the ready liquid to purify it from the seed & other unnecessary extracts.

For further details may watch the video on YouTube:-
